Bennie Rounders Results 2019

Date: Category: Group

The Bennie Group held their annual summer rounders’ and BBQ party in August for all employees and family across the Group. The rounders party also served as a great way to celebrate 80 years in business for The Bennie Group!

The weather was perfect for what was another heated set of matches. Game 1 involved Ken Hall and the reigning champions The Bennie Group, which ended in a draw at 5 runs each. Subsequent extra innings left Ken Hall the overall winners.

Match 2 between Bennie Equipment and a hybrid of Barton, Peter Bennie and Boughton (BBB) employees progressed to a 3 – 5 victory to BBB.

The final match between Ken Hall and the hybrid BBB team resulted in a hard won 4 – 5 victory to BBB. It was a great example of inter-company teamwork between the hybrid team, showcasing the benefits of working together!

As always, teamwork is important across our diverse family of companies but when it comes to rounders, every companies’ team plays to win. While there can only be one victor, it is nice to see the title shared across three companies this year!

Congratulations to the BBB Rounders team, we know that your fellow Group companies have their eyes set on a rematch come Summer 2020.


Celebrating 80 years!

Alongside the rounders party we also celebrated 80 years in business this year! It’s a monumental achievement that we owe to our family of great companies and the people that make them great.

Along with a wealth of promotional paraphernalia decorating the party, we particularly enjoyed the custom cakes supplied by local baker Al The Bakes. It was almost a shame to eat them, almost!